Cell Counting Chambers
Cell Counting Chambers
Cell-Vu Pre-Stained Morphology Slides
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION These slides are used for the staining of spermatozoa, blood, CSF...
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION These slides are used for the staining of spermatozoa, blood, CSF, and urine cytology. Each slide contains a dried layer of stain that once in contact with cells, facilitates morphology assessment. Cell-VU® provides cleaner and clearer slides for rapid cellular visualization and differential cell assessment. CELL-VU® Pre-stained Morphology slides combine conventional microscope slides with a proprietary combination of methylene blue and cresyl violet stains in...
Cell Counting Chambers
Cell-Vu Sperm Counting Chamber
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION For sperm counts in undiluted specimens. The CELL-VU Cytometer co...
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION For sperm counts in undiluted specimens. The CELL-VU Cytometer consists of a standard (3 x 1"), specially-designed glass slide and a coverslip with the counting grid laser-etched into its surface. Disposal of the entire apparatus eliminates cleaning and minimizes clinician exposure to body fluids. Both the slide and coverslip are marked to ensure correct use. The coverslip's 1 x 1 mm grid is divided into 100, 0.1 mm areas and is thin enough to use under high ma...
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